
Shield Financial Case Summary

Decent Essays

Shield Financial
Statement of the Problem(s)
Doug Bloom took over the Des Moines, Iowa office as the new Sales Manager (Cron & DeCarlo, 2009). He was overwhelmed at the sales management training with all of the different manuals he received (Cron & DeCarlo, 2009). The sales manager training did not give the full understanding of it is meant to be a sales manager. The company introduced a new program for the sales representatives and he had some difficulty with the sales representatives. He did not use his resources that were available to him when he needed them.

Summary of the Facts
Doug Bloom was the top sales representative for the last four years in the Atlanta office and was promoted to Sales Manager for Des Moines office (Cron …show more content…

They want to target the larger corporations market. By using the new strategic plan, would bring the sales representatives more as a team than just individuals.

First, in the staff meeting, he should of given the background on himself and inform the staff that he will be meeting with them on an individual bases to get to know them. During the individual meetings, he should let the sales representative tell them about themselves and their sales accounts. He should ask them all, what are some of the tools that they need to be able to close sales accounts. Doug should map out a plan to introduce the new program with timelines. He should organize the training sessions for the sales representatives for the new program. He needs to introduce the new program showing the positive side and then address the challenges. He should then meet with a small group of sales representatives at a time to go over this new program instead of having a huge large staff meeting. Also, when address any major changes, instead of a memo, meet with the staff to address any changes to the current procedures. The ride-a-long he did with Tiffany to a large account, made him realize that larger accounts will take longer to sell than smaller accounts. He needs to inform corporate as soon as possible.
The situation with Tiffany Williams and Bill Johnson, Doug should first, refer to the policy manuals to avoid any personnel issues. He should also

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