
Case Study : The Lego Company

Better Essays

Michael Stelmach
Case Study 1 - Lego
Professor Kannenberg
February 2, 2017

The LEGO Company was founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen and is the leading play material toy manufacturer in the world among all other toy manufacturers. Their success is based off of the development and innovations of learning and building through play. LEGO values imagination, creativity, fun, learning, caring, and quality with the spirit that only the best is good enough. They hold four promises to their customers and company; promise play of the joy of building and creating, the promise to positively impact the planet, partner promise as mutually valuing creation, and the people promise of succeeding together. They aspire to globalize and innovate by …show more content…

Since Knudstorp stepped in, LEGO has been inspired to help develop the new builders of tomorrow. From the LEGO website their mission statement says, “Our ultimate purpose is to inspire and develop children to think creatively, reason systematically and release their potential to shape their own future - experiencing the endless human possibility.” LEGO also has a vision that is critical and builds from their mission statement saying, “We want to pioneer new ways of playing, play materials and the business models of play - leveraging globalization and digitalization. It is not just about products, it is about realizing the human possibility.” From these two statements, we can infer that LEGO wants to ‘Inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow’ and ‘Invent the future of play’ for every one that enjoys playing with LEGO’s. They have certainly inspired many developments such as opening up theme parks, stores, continued growth around the world, and having large events for fanatics to come play, build, and watch, and see LEGO built creations that are technical and time consuming. In essence to the LEGO Company’s strategies comes many objectives that consists of meeting the needs of their consumers. The following is various objectives that they have set out for themselves to obtain their goals:
• The vision to nurture every child and the child within themselves. This is an everlasting vision for themselves that they use to stay true to

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