
Case Study: Transfer Out Confernece For Faaris Bae

Satisfactory Essays

Transfer Out confernece for Faaris Bale held at Thurrock on 30/12/2015.

Faaris will remain in the Child Protection Plan with the Thurrock Children's Services.

The social work preofessionals who attended the tranfer out confernece was concerned about Faaris being back in the family home in Woolwich .

Mr Bale stated in the confernece that Jeny still have lots of chidlren coming to her home, children staying for sleep over parties (especially Tia's friends) and Jeny child minding when her friends are not around- which is concerning if Faaris is present in the property.

It is also worrying that Faaris is vulnerable to the possible fake allegation which children who comes to the family home can raise against him in the event of the past incidents.

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