
Case Study : Tuck School Of Business At Dartmouth College

Satisfactory Essays

This letter is provided at the request of Daniel Liu, who has asked me to serve as a reference for his MBA application to Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Daniel is one of the best I have encountered in my career and I’m delighted to provide this letter.

1. I have enjoyed a real estate development career for 35 years in Washington, D.C. area and have chaired the Economic Development Committee in Prince George’s Chamber of Commerce at Lanham, Maryland. In my recent position with Corner Media as its chief operating officer, I met Daniel and have enjoyed working with this bright and diligent professional since 2014. He started to cover Corner Media from his venture capital firm in August 2014 and later joined our management team in February 2015. Daniel has been under my direct supervision since then, and working with me on investor relations, revenue strategies and general operations.
Daniel possesses top analytical skills, tenacity and a sense of purpose. He joined the management team when the firm was rapidly growing and his comprehensive contributions have been extremely valuable. Not only did he bring full stamina and unique perspectives to our middle-aged management team, but he also demonstrated maturity, strategic thinking and business acumen by steering the ship during the critical time. I couldn’t imagine what would happen to our business without his key contributions in securing financing, cutting cost, and most importantly, developing a new product

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