
Case Study: Vicky's Assessment Strategy

Decent Essays

In the case study Vicky, a school principal that oversees twenty teachers. Recently, the Superintendent of the school district has restructured the evaluating process for teachers. This new method requires the principle to evaluate the teacher on 20 different elements. If a score of lower than 3 is reported, then a reason must be written why from the principle. This method would take more time from Vicky’s schedule. Her plan is to evaluate 5 teachers a year. Each year only grade 5 elements closely and give the rest of the 15 elements a score of 3, or passing.
The critical issue with Vicky’s assessment strategy is that the strategy ignores approximately 75% of the elements deemed necessary to be assess by the district during each evaluation. This data is incomplete and would be inadmissible as a clear representation of the teacher’s actual ability. Vicky has analyzed only a small percentage of the evaluations recommended by the district. This partial data would not be usable for the district to analyze. Also, since 75% of the elements are being giving a base score of the same scoring, the point value is then inflated with no measure of validity. It is vital for accurate grading to be given in each element. It would be an injustice to allow for the low scores to not be recorded. A teacher could possibly score lower than a 3 on a category. The teacher needs to be made aware of the low score so that the teacher can improve. If a teacher was only graded on five different

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