
Case Tractateing Case Study

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Overall, Rita and Patrick agreed on many things. I suspect this is due to the similarity of their experiences working in the suburbs and, presumably, they know each other since they are both in the Ed.D program. Both Patrick and Rita agree on the importance of building relationships with the adults in the schools. They also agree that it can be difficult to work with teachers or other staff when they have negative perceptions of students. They also agree that the school psychologist is sometimes treated like an administrator even though they had different words for this (i.e., quasi-secretary paperwork administrators or pseudo-administrator) and discussed how this role confusion can make building relationships with teachers more difficult.

The most obvious difference between Rita and Patrick is Patrick’s experience as a man. I expected more depth in this portion of their interview by perhaps asking what can be done to recruit more men, especially …show more content…

Rita believes that law and policy is where the biggest change occurs and is interested in doing policy work in the future. Based on the transcript, I concluded that Patrick is not interested in that work.

However, I sense they both equally loathe the paperwork or what Rita called “case management.” Both Rita and Patrick spoke about how the amount of paperwork they do daily keeps them from doing what they want to do — work with the students.

Patrick, unlike Rita, did some counseling, but, like Rita, found this stepped into the school social worker’s role. Rita was not given this opportunity, and this directly relates to why Rita chose to pursue an Ed.D. Rita spoke about how having an Ed.D would give her more professional options.

The biggest differences between our groups’ interviews were the questions asked and the people answering them. For the latter, I sense that Rita was more open and had much more to say than

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