I think that the introduction to the speech went well. When I started the speech, I thought that my cat would come home from the veterinary clinic healthy. It was hard to do the speech after he passed away. I mess up in a few spots, because I was holding tears back. I believe that the organization of my speech was well. I did stumble with some of my words that messed me up on the speech. I did not tell where all my information came from in the speech, but one time. As all my information came from all three sources, I would have repeated myself throughout the speech.
However, I do believe that I gained the interest of my audience. Urinary blockage in cats is hard to notice if you do not know what you are looking for. I believe that my audience now understands what can happen to a cat with or without a veterinary’s help.
II. Body I believe that the body of my speech were clearly stated. I gave details of what someone could look for to know if their cat is having problems. I think that my evidence is also plainly stated, considering I lost my cat to this disease. I planned my speech as I was told everyday what was going on with my cat. I added information as it was giving to me. As a peer told me, I also think that my
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I know that is some parts of my speech it was hard to remain calm. I did however; keep eye contact with my audience during my speech. As much as I tried some of my distractions, I could not avoid. I did try to add vocal variety to add impact to the word death in my speech. I think that I did communicate enthusiasm for the topic that I choose. It is something that I think everyone should know about. I did not move around much due to my space that I had to do my speech. During my practice speech, I was pacing and I did not like the way that it made me look, so in the final I tried to stand still. I did move my arms to show which part of the body that I was talking about throughout my
However, I was very nervous giving the speech. This is a weakness that I noticed and that was mentioned by the peer evaluators. The most obvious sign of my nervousness was my repetitive use of the space-filler "mmmm"
The speaker did a very good job with his speech. His speech I believe is more informative, because he is describing his recent experience with appendicitis. The area that I liked most about his speech was his introduction. He had a very good hooked that got a lot of people’s attention including my own. He scared me for a moment, because he made everybody believe that he was going to show everybody his appendix that he just had removed from his body. Instead he showed the appendix of a book. Also, as he presented his speech he expressed what happened to him with very personal information. This information helped him establish his credibility. He presented his speech very well and sounded very confident. However, there were a few brief pauses
For the informative speech, my group presented the issue of the Emerald Ash Borer. In my speech, I presented the positions of the University of Maine and Forestry Department. These were the two major positions in the speech. For my speech, I did stumble a lot, however, it was hidden by the short pauses I made throughout the speech. Also, I need better eye contact throughout the speech. My speech primarily appealed to ethos and logos, citing specific examples and presenting long qualifications.
One of the things I noticed in my speech was how many times I looked at the screen. I didn’t realize how many times I looked at my prop until I watched myself on video. It was distracting and took away from what I was saying to my audience. Additionally, I feel like I could have improved speaking about the different experiments performed. I feel like they were rushed and I should have stuck to talking about only one or two experiments instead. With my time being rushed, I feel like I couldn’t explain as much of the experiments as I wanted to or as in depth. Lastly, I should have worked on the conclusion for my speech. I wasn’t able to come up with a good conclusion, so it felt as if I left some of the speech left hanging. I mentioned ethical issues performed in the experiments without actually going over it in the speech. Next time, I know I will come up with a solid ending and just wrapping up ideas I already went over in class. I know that for my persuasive speech, I will work on my eye contact, slowing down, and coming up with a solid ending.
I ensured whilst I made my presentation that I spoke clearly and steadily. I have a tendency to talk quickly so I paid particular attention to controlling the speed of my voice. I also ensured I maintained eye contact with my audience and tried not to focus just on one individual.
However, I recall that the minute I began the first few lines of my real performance, my heart pounded fast and my voice wavered. I have heard that this anxiety is quite usual, especially when one is a novice speaker. However, I managed to stabilize after a second or so, and was able to gain control of my emotions. One of my peers also observed my gesture of putting my hands in my pockets quite often during the presentation. My friend, Joshua, noticed I slurred a couple of my words in my poem. Although these mistakes were completely sub-conscious, it is important for me to correct them as they could be potential sources of distraction for the audience and can steal their attention away from the actual performance. Some of my friends advised me to memorize my poem by thinking about some analogies, but I refused to do so as I wanted to actually know the symbolic meaning of my poem. I believe that the key to delivering a good performance is practice, confidence and knowledge of matter, not performing from pure memorization! My opinion on spoken word this year has still not changed, and I still believe it is essential to include into this year's curriculum. I have reflected on my weaknesses, and am ready to perform better in the near
In Conclusion I feel I did a good job on my informative speech. My preparation needs work, but my content and my ability to tone down the facts helped to pull everything together. I can always use more practice, but I feel this speech went better than my
Comparing to my pervious speeches, I thought I was more confident and effective. Since we were in the small room, I made sure that the tone and volume of my voices were balanced. Moreover, throughout the speeches I used various hand gestures to help me get connect with the audience. Preparation is one the most effective way to improve in any kinds of speech. Therefore, I could have done better by practice and preparing more.
Also, there were some difficulties that came about during my speech, one of those difficulties being inadequate direct eye contact. During the length of the speech there were not many time where I looked up and talked directly to my classmates. Something I could have done better to improve this would be to practice even more to ensure that I wouldn’t need to look at my notecards and slides as often. I also could have practiced when to look up and have a successful glance at my audience to have improved eye contact.
(Q.2.) In comparison to my demonstration speech, I believe the introduction to my informative speech was much stronger, because I told a story instead of asking a question. My story allowed for my audience to have a mental picture of what I was talking about. How I related child development to my audience was much more effective in my informative speech than my demonstration speech. In my demonstration speech, not everyone raised their hand when I asked my question. In my informative speech, I related it to my audience by saying everyone has went through child development. I felt more confident in my informative speech because I practiced many times in front of my family and friends. I got marked points off for being too read-y in my demonstration speech, so for my informative speech I worked on not memorizing the whole thing. By not memorizing my informative speech I felt more confident while presenting.
- What I did well during my speech was looking at my audience. I was always facing my audience and have a quick view to my PowerPoint. I believe I did well on these aspects because I wasn’t like the other students always looking at the PowerPoint and not even facing the audience. I know this is a public speaking class and the point is to talk to our audience while facing them.
I went into detail how by listening to my speech, they could possibly help a family member or friend in the future. Finally, my preview of the main points did a great job of giving a roadmap into the rest of my speech. I went into each of my three main ideas and talked about what I would be examining within each of them. I made sure not to use any evidence too early or give too much away in the preview. I simply discussed what would be later covered in the coming minutes. An example, one of my points was government involvement. I previewed that I would be discussing the difference between how government at the local and national level affected access and how they differed.
I have learned to project my voice better, while maintaining a firm position. These things have help me focus more on giving the speech than worrying about myself. I still need to work on calming myself down during my speech. I will be able to do this by collecting my thoughts beforehand and remind myself that I know my topic. I am giving the speech to let people know what I know about my topic.
I stayed calm throughout my speech, I was nervous just a little at the beginning. I'm not sure if everyone noticed how nervous I was, but the person who was doing my critic did. Even the pros still get nervous, therefore I’m not stressing over it. Unlike my other speech for some reason I did not have any expectation. My goal was to inform the audience about surrogacy.
I'm walking to my lab, 24 tech to get on to my work on why certain animals have fur and are small like the common housecat and why they behave like they do.I come inside to the lab to check-in to reception and I greet my co-workers writing down notes about how the animals appear and then get to my locker to grab my clipboard, notes, and my uniform.I go to a cage and get a chinchilla and I place it down on a clear lab table and it felt as light as a feather.I grab the cat from the cage and put the cat right by the chinchilla to observe it.Then i go look at chemicals to see how they react to it.I look for some chemicals that can be used in foods.I go grab a book on chemistry and read it so I can make compounds used in food.I make an compound