
Catastrophism And Uniformitarianism In Dating Earth

Decent Essays

There can be many different views when we define the words of catastrophism and uniformitarianism. They can be seen in many diverse ways from person to person. In the article Dating Earth, it mentioned the background of the concept of uniformitarianism and catastrophism. People who had biblical views were considered catastrophists and were known scientists who invoked supernatural causes. Uniformitarianism is a concept that is viewed as gradual constant change, or no change at all. This view can be debatable with catastrophism which is sudden or immediate change because a small change over time that seems so constant can feel sudden at the same time. It depends how you view it and see the picture in our histories time-lapse. When we define constant we view it as a nice even flow, but sometimes the flow can be higher at times and lower which can equal to the even gradual concept of uniformitarianism while it can be viewed as a catastrophic event too because if we think about the butterfly effect that small sudden change can be so unique and make big changes even though it seemed small and equal like uniformitarianism. The Butterfly Effect mentioned how Lorenz made a small change to his systems of equations which proved to be catastrophic even though the numbers seemed very small to even make a difference. When we view uniformitarianism and catastrophism they can both be true in context, but if you view it in a diverse way to include the small changes uniformitarianism can

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