
Catherine Casey Biography

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Jacqueline Casey was born in 1927 in Quincy, Massachusetts where she attended the Massachusetts College of Art (MassArt). In 1949 she graduated from MassArt with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts and was selected “by alumna of MassArt, Muriel Cooper, to work at the Office of Publications for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In 1972 she became the Design Director for the Office of Publications at MIT. While serving as Design Director, she became known for creating posters for MIT’s campus events. In her designs, she used noticeable images, bold text, and small passages of text that contained information about the event. This design technique was influenced by “the International Typographic Style recently developed in Switzerland, particularly designers such as Karl Gerstner, Armin Hofmann and Josef …show more content…

Casey’s work is displayed in the Library of Congress, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. Casey has received awards for her work including: The William J. Gunn Award in 1988 from the Creative Club of Boston, and an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts in 1990 from the Massachusetts College of Art. Casey died in 1992 leaving “a collection of 99 posters in the hands of the Rochester Institute of Technology….donated posthumously at the her request” (History of Graphic Design). The art movement I believe Jacqueline Casey’s designs most closely represent is Constructivism. Constructivism art is very bold and loud. Casey’s work was not loud but she did use bold text and large images in her designs. Constructivism art also uses text in its compositions to provide information; though much larger and more transformed than Casey’s they both mainly used the same elements in their designs; images, bold text, and informational text. Overall Casey’s designs were noticed because they were contemporary and simple but also because even though they didn’t have much to them, she got her point

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