
Catholic Views On Homosexuality

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Homosexuality has grown considerably in recent years, and everyone knows or has heard of someone who is homosexual. The growth of this sexual orientation has brought questions to the Catholic Church on how they should explain this orientation, if it is morally against the natural orientation that God created. Homosexuality is the attraction between two people of the same sex or gender. God created humans male and female and said, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it,” so how can homosexuality exist if they cannot procreate, which is the final goal of a conjugal relationship? This paper will go over the Catholic Church’s perspective on homosexuality: how it is morally incorrect, why it exists, and how these people can …show more content…

They should treat homosexuals with the same dignity that they treat heterosexuals because, like it or not, they are made in the image of God. However, this does not mean that Catholics have to approve their sin. Catholics do not have to compromise their testimony by a politically incorrect opinion which is molded by guilt and fear. However, people with a homosexual orientation are human beings with the power to decide whether to satisfy their desires. They may never change their orientation, but they can exercise the power of their will and the power of choice to inhibit such desires and not to enhance them. In that sense, “homosexuals are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterred friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection. ” They have to abstain from eroticism with the same sex, just as heterosexual unmarried people should abstain from sex outside marriage. Of course, in the case of a homosexual, according to the plan of God, this abstinence should last a lifetime. Homosexuals are human beings under a complex situation. Many suffer because of their tendencies and need help. As Catholics, we try to follow the life of Jesus, and we make an important distinction between sin and the sinner. Like Jesus, we do not …show more content…

It was the people that turned their back on God to invite an adoration of earthly things instead of Him. Man’s vision of morality was distorted and consequently began to associate the unnatural as natural. Homosexuality is a hard struggle that some people live with by rejecting on their inclinations; the people that are affected must see it as extra cross they have to carry on their back to reach eternal salvation. The homosexual movements that ask for equality are right because they deserve them as human beings. However, the right to have a conjugal relationship by the Church should never be approved because it is against the Catholic Church’s Tradition and Sacred Scripture. These movements are so big due to politics, as well as all other earthly things, but one must remember that the passions that separate us from God are the passions of this world. We should not let these passions overtake us; we can control them with the help of the Holy Spirit and Jesus

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