In this essay I will explain the causes and effects of why a high school student should or should not have a job during high school. Whether they should have a job while being in school or if they should not. Maybe they can’t focus on school so they should probably quit if they have one. They might need time for school work after school they should just focus on school. When young adults have a job during high school. They can have money for themselves or just to spend. In effect to them having a job they will not have any time after school unless they have the day off. If they only have time for school when they have the day off work, they should not be working because they will need more time than that. Sometimes these young adults will
Jobs won’t only support teens for the things they want, but it can help benefit for the things they need. The first things teens think of for their future are going to college and getting their first car. But, let’s say there’s a well educated thirteen-year-old, raised in a low-income family, who has plans on going to college.
A student named Andrew Braaksma wrote an article in a newspaper called, “Lessons from the Assembly Line”, explaining his story about his summer occupancy while being on vacation away from college. The author writes about the lessons, experiences, and knowledge he had gained from his summer job away from his college campus. Andrew Braaksma explains both roles as a student and as an employee sharing these lessons he learned about the value of an education. Andrew shows his audience the benefits of working and why valuing an education is so vital to an individual’s future. The author’s goal is to inspire young college students to value their education, explore the workforce, and appreciate how employment can benefit them by sharing his own experiences. Being employed or working while attending school is very valuable because it teaches you the concept of financial obligation, gives you a strong worth ethic, and teaches you many lessons about the real world, and how important an education is.
Everyone has thought about getting a job, even if they do not have one, and the argument of whether or not teenagers should get jobs or not, is a very controversial issue. The biggest issue people see with teenagers getting jobs is that it will affect grades and participation at school, which can be true, but the key to anything is to make sure that it is done in moderation. Obviously it is true that if there is a teenager trying to work five days a week, and balance school, they will most likely struggle in school. This is especially true if they work long hours. On the other hand, if they only work for three days a week, and only a few hours each day, they can get the benefits of having a job as a teenager, and still be able to focus in school. Experts even say that having a summer job can help prevent the “educational backsliding that happens between school years for high school students” (Belsner 1), which is something that many students struggle with, because unless students study over the summer, they usually forget some of the things they learned the year
Jobs in high school are more than paychecks. Author Jeffrey J. Selingo writes about how students should work while they are in school in “Why More Teenagers And College Students Need To Work While In School.” Selingo builds an argument that explains many reasons why they should have a job during school by explaining the losses and the benefits of working. Selingo opens with an anecdote that explains that students are unprepared for jobs in their future when they are employed. For instance, he mentions how he continuously hears from employers that “many of today's college students lack basic work experience”(Paragraph 1).
Next, teenagers are constantly running here and there, trying to keep up with their schedules. From school, church activities, work, sports, friends, family, and any other sort of time consuming plans, they’re exhausted. A study done in 2014 showed that over 22% of high school students work a part-time job. They’ve also seen that working more than 15-20 hours per week, can affect their academic performance. Plus teenagers
When in the Course of Human Events, It is necessary that high school students have the opportunity to have jobs at their age. It is necessary they have one so they can provide for their families by helping paying the bills and buying groceries, also to be more prepared for the real world that awaits them after high school.
In the article Teenagers’ Work Can Have Downsides”by Jerald G Bachman describe how teens who are in high school that have jobs developed poor academic performances “ they're more likely to be involved in a variety of problems ” Jerald began the “Monitoring the Future “ project that monitored teens in high school and from college who had jobs and discovered a drop in the high school teens academics and made connections between long hours and problems behaviors are symptoms of issue like poor adjustments to school and greater interest in short term gratification .They encouraged for student to follow what they call a sweet spot a job that requires relatively few hours per week during the school year fewer hours the better.Student that have
Students spend four years of their lives attending high school. Going through high school is mandatory as it prepares them for college and strength to face “the real world.” Having part-time jobs has become the phenomenon among high school students and many students follow this trend as well. Moreover, there are some pros and cons attached with it. Though it may seem like working throughout high school is a bad idea, it could better prepare students for “the real world.” Although some people believe that the primary duty of a student is studying, I am of the opposite position. I strongly support the idea that high school students should work throughout high school. This is because they can earn money, become responsible and get
We spend four years of our lives attending high school. Going through high school is supposed to prepare us for college and “the real world.” Throughout these four years we begin to better understand our choices for college majors, but we don’t get presented with the financial and time struggle that we will face. College costs money, along with everyday living. When attending college we become more independent and are faced with the problem of coming up with money and finding a balance between time for work and school. Though it may seem like working through high school is a bad idea, it could better prepare students for “the real world.”
One of the most important decisions in any teenager’s life is what they decide to do after high school, the choice is usually between college and deciding to get a job and start making money. Although the cost of education in America continues to rise, the benefits of a higher education are substantial and can be seen in the success of anyone who has a college degree.
For this POW, we are trying to make a plan financially for life after high school. I am making a budget based on an estimated income based on my desired job and all expenses that people living on their own have to pay now. I am researching any expenses I will have to pay later in life and factoring them into my budget.
With kids working later in high school they would not have time to do their jobs after school.
Academic obligations are not the only responsibilities for American high school students. One of the responsibilities that many students have is a job. The unemployment rate for teenagers is a mere 9.1 percent. The reasons why students work wildly vary. For some, it’s to earn
Nowadays, students love to have part-time jobs. Their parents approve it easily as they are said to gain experience from working. However, having a job is a big responsibility for a student. Before, teenagers at their age were working to help their family because of poverty. Nevertheless, they were actually eager to study and learn at school for their future. It was not the same as the teenagers nowadays where they are more likely competing to each other to have a job. Most of the
Having a job can be very beneficial to students, there can also be some risks, but the benefits outweigh the risks.That is why teenagers in highschool should have part-time jobs. Here are some benefits and some risks with having a job as a teenager in highschool. With jobs there are usually some risks but there are also benefits, for example; you could get hurt while working. However, there are many benefits like having some money in your pocket, or having more responsibilities.