
Causes Of Food Insecurity In Ethiopia

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Spatial patterns

Ethiopia map of food insecurity
As you can see in the map above about half of Ethiopia has food security or minimal insecurity. In the half with food insecurity most of it is stressed or crisis. Sadly, there is part of it that is classified as emergency. Luckily none of Ethiopia is classified as in a famine.
What makes the North-East part of Ethiopia the worst affected is because it had the worst drought out of Ethiopia.
Priorities on food security
Challenges to food security
Ethiopia has the ability to grow on land and produce food for themselves and sell it to make money however there is a challenge stopping them. Rain patterns change all the time either ending in droughts or floods meaning land can’t be grown. If a drought happens it will affect millions meaning they can’t produce enough food then he food companies have to produce more and they have to raise the price. Crops in Ethiopia after a drought
The picture above shows what happens to a crop after a drought. The owners have to then start from scratch with new crops.
12.7 million smallholders don’t have the resources or money to deal with the changes in weather which means they are likely to not have enough food or water ending in food insecurity. There are 730,000 refugees who all need food which the people who already liv there don’t have and they also don’t have the skills to help grow and produce food. The refugees are causing the little food Ethiopia have to disappear quickly

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