
Causes Of Lack Of Sleep In Macbeth

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How to determine if the body is fundamentally healthy and functional: Bones, blood, and entrails are inside of the body and you know instinctually to eat, drink, and sleep – and are able to. The lack of these qualities not only affects physiological health, but can also be seen in the state of the mind. Lack of sleep makes these psychological changes most apparent. Sleep is a restorative, serene, innocent, and vulnerable state of mind and body. If you abuse this state, Shakespeare sets the consequence at the inability to use it yourself. The lack of sleep has been psychologically proven to cause not only drowsiness and impaired thinking, but paranoia and, in extreme cases, psychotic symptoms. All of these symptoms are evident in the behavior of King Macbeth. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth is made increasingly irrational, if not driven insane, by his guilt – a guilt that expresses itself through insomnia, paranoia, and hallucination. Shakespeare uses sleep as symbolism for serenity, restoration, and inner peace; in contrast, sleeplessness …show more content…

As Macbeth begins to succumb to guilt following the assassination of King Duncan, it is prophesized that the kingdom to which he reigns shall “sleep no more”. When we are exposed to the peaks of Lady Macbeth’s vulnerability, it is embodied through sleepwalking. When Shakespeare takes away sleep, guilt, paranoia, fear, restlessness, and discontentment are always present. The device is seen initially as a consequence, as in the situations of the sailor and the doubt induced in Macbeth the night of the murder, and progresses throughout the play into a prolonged entropy. The longer that Macbeth and his kingdom are sleepless, the more chaotic Macbeth’s paranoia and tyrannical behavior become and the more suspicion and discontent is spread throughout the

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