
Causes Of Nursing Shortage

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There are angels in the health care field that are starting to face an absence of others to continue their work. Who are these angels and why is there a deficiency? Nurses are a vital part of the health care team, and although there is an increased demand for nurses, unfortunately, there is also an impending decline in the supply of nurses. In the United States history, there have been a few instances of nursing shortages that were overcome; however, this forthcoming dilemma seems unpromising. In the Nursing Shortage video segment, The Journal of American Medical Association predicts a shortage of registered nurses by 2020 (Where Have All the Nurses Gone? [Video file], 2001). While nurses are crucial for the delivery of high-quality care to patients, because of a few influences a severe shortage of them is approaching if we don’t come up with solutions to this issue.
To uncover a solution to the problem, we must first understand the reasons behind the nursing shortage. In the years following 1945 there was an increase in birth rates, but after 1964 there was a significant decline. This generation is also known as the baby boomers, are currently between the ages of fifty-three and seventy-two. “The National Council of State Boards of Nursing reports 55% of the RN workforce is age 50 or older; the Health Resources and Services Administration projects that one million nurses are eligible for retirement in 10-15 years” (Snavely, 2016). With this aging generation, it will put

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