
Causes Of Suicide

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Connie Goldsmith speaks on the life experience of Susan Caldwell. Susan Cadwell has a daughter who committed suicide and suffered from severe depression. There are many cases of suicide in which people suffer from mental illness, substance abuse, and physical health problems, but nobody really knows why some people just decide one day to commit suicide and end their life. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, where one person dies by suicide every thirteen minutes. 4.9 million people in the United States have been estimated to lose loved one due to suicide; and worldwide at least 800,000 people lose their lives by suicide every year. People who have access to weapons that can allow them to harm themselves are most likely to commit suicide this even includes sedatives, sleeping pills and narcotics. Stressors like trauma from a war for example can lead to suicidal behavior also. In many cases when people are in physical and mental distress due to individual emotional and physical struggles, the risk for suicide rises. Mental illness and substance abuse are the strongest individual risk factors for suicide. There are many other things that can lead to suicide such as major life loses, being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, domestic violence and bullying also can be put into this category. Suicide is not in a specific race or gender, or age group, anyone can commit suicide. The highest rates for suicides in the united states are among american Indians and Alaska natives, followed by caucasians. Suicide rates for African Americans asian and pacific islanders and hispanics are about one thirds as high and caucasians, but there isn’t an explanation for why that is. One in three people who commit suicide are intoxicated with alcohol or drugs at the time of death. When substance abuse is mixed with a mental health disorder the risk for suicide increases drastically. It is known that people who suffer from alcohol abuse and are trying to seek help are either put in a rehabilitation center or are prescribed to see AAA groups. Although these people have seemed help they’re still ten times more at risk to commit suicide then the general population. Alcohol is involved in about thirty to

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