
Causes Of Xenophobia

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The various social issues present within today’s society inevitably lead to the creation of injustices and oppression faced by many individuals. While many social justice issues focus on large groups of people, such as the impoverished and homeless, others affect specific groups or cultures of people, revealing a prejudice against that group. In the United States, a history of xenophobia has contributed to the discrimination of certain ethnic groups, including the internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II and immigration laws against Soviets during the Cold War. These prejudices are often a result of fear, the main cause of America’s most recent practice of xenophobia: Islamophobia. Following the tragedy of 9/11, Islam and Muslims were targeted as potential terrorists and a threat to the United States, resulting in prejudice and discrimination against individuals of this ethnicity or religion. Whether a Muslim is chosen to undergo additional security screening at an airport or derogatory comments are made towards one’s hijab, they are experiencing unjust discrimination. Amending this social issue requires open dialogue between different religions and cultures, an action often encouraged by mystics. In her work, Great Mystics & Social Justice, Susan Rakoczy also supports learning from history’s mystics as she asserts, “voices of the mystics speak to us today in words and images that can…give us the energy to do the active works of love and compassion so needed in our

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