
Celebrity Role Models

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Throughout our lives everyday humans find themselves trying to follow in the footsteps of an A-List celebrity. Although celebrities are arguably, just humans, they are unquestionably pinpointed by the media and sensationalized by society. By the many illegal actions such as DUIs, general pubic law violations, hit and runs, examples of bad behavior, and assault and sometimes even murder, many celebrities are not cut out be followed by example, but to be viewed as a lesson to prevent the same mistakes for others. A role model by definition is someone who models behavior worth emulating (Keim). Role models and people worthy of being imitated should have a good past and a good present all leading up to a good future. By these ‘regular humans’ being pinpointed by media, they should strive to be seen in the public eye as almost perfection, but often celebrities make mistakes which make them, bad role models. Mistakes such as DUI’s and hit and runs are crimes that if committed, celebrities can end up having it on their records and even serve jail time. By the looks of the media, many celebrities often have a charge of a DUI, a hit and run, or sometimes even both. “In 2014, Justin Bieber was arrested and charged for driving while under the influence and resisting arrest, He’s also been involved in a hit and run accident and assaulting a bodyguard.”(Felicissimo). Other big celebrities involved with Driving under the influence charges are as follows, “Paris Hilton was arrested in

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