
Personal Heroes: What Is A Good Role Model?

Good Essays

Role Models
I've been pretty lucky to have a good role model. A role model is someone that you look up to and someone that will always be there for you. My personal heroes provided anything that I needed and most of what I wanted. They also disciplined me when I needed it They did not just let me run wild with no consequences. My mentors have been pretty successful in his life, but it was not always easy. Children do better in life with the help of a role model. They are more encouraged by them and given guidelines to follow. They also act as people that they can go to and talk to. They can provide so many things like structure. They also show how to acted in public. These are some of the things they teach.
What is a role model exactly? According …show more content…

In some cases, gang initiation rituals, street racing, and random violence may be the result.” (Sax). He means that without the proper models, which includes role models or mentors, young people would be trying to find some kind of replacement for their values. The replacement is not always a good thing. It can lead to violence and crime. Young kids need have to have a good value system to keep their heads on straight. With having no trainer in their lives, it may lead to jail or worse. Young kids are joining gangs to try to find that mentoring feeling that they are not provided with. If we can give them a structure that the can follow they can form a better life. It found that young men with no male role model are 50 percent more likely to abuse drugs and young females in the corresponding position are significantly more likely to drink to excess. …show more content…

That is why you need a role model to help. Someone that truly cares for you and thinks of what is in your best interest. The great role models and mentors of our lives, just want to see us do well in the world because it can be a rough place. When you really need help having that someone in your life to fall back on can mean the world to young people. Everyone needed some help in their life at one point or another. That is why a role model is so important in someone's life. To help them through thick and

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