
Celie Johnson

Decent Essays

The Character of Celie Johnson Celie Johnson is forced to endure enough physical and mental abuse to break anyone’s spirits, but this strong willed individual refuses to allow her tragic life to consume her. Miss Celie, which is what she is called by the few who do respect her, somehow learns to live through her father and her husband’s denouncing cruelty and continues to be a sweet and an understanding woman. The most obvious characteristics of Celie are her continuous strength, her ability to deal with hardships, and her instinct to keep fighting. Her undeniable strength comes with protecting those she loves. She teaches herself to take all that is forced upon her because she has never known the feeling of living an easy life. Celie has had to fight for her happiness, alone, from her younger years into adulthood. Even though this character was in constant torment, she continued to adapt to her surroundings and did what she could to keep those around her content. Starting with her dad’s sexual abuse and ending with her husband’s demeaning attitude toward her, Celie seemed to just expect poor treatment from all other beings. Nettie, Celie’s sister, is her one and only …show more content…

She had to involuntary help herself through all the negative aspects of her life. Her strength in faith may have also played a role in the theme of The Color Purple. It never stated for certain if Celie was a religious woman, but with the way she loved every person unconditionally one may assume her beliefs. To be strong does not always include being physically tough, but mentally able to do what may seem as the unthinkable to most. Celie Johnson allowed her positive thoughts to outweigh her negative experiences, so that she could work toward being normal. She knew in her heart and in her mind that Mister’s way of treating her was unnecessarily horrific, but she brought herself to believe that that was how a woman’s life should

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