
Celie Passage Analysis

Decent Essays

This passage is very important because it helps to show us the condition Celie is in. She had another child then her “Pa” gave it away. He insults her multiple times. Based on what has occurred she hasn’t tried a way to make her situation better. It seems like she don’t care too much what happen to herself but she cares for the well-being of her siblings especially Nettie since “Pa” has begun to take a liking to her. When Nettie was scared Celie told her “I’ll take care of you. With God help.(3.1-2)”This shows the extension of love that the Nettie and Celie share as well as her faith in God. Her love for Nettie and God get’s her through life.
This passage is important because it shows us Celie’s sexuality. One day Celie get’s beat because she supposedly wink at a boy at church but she tries to tell her “Pa” she don’t look at men but women because she is not scared of them. This shows us that Celie probably has a love interest in women due to the physical trauma she has experienced with her “Pa.” Later on in the book this allows her to move on into new relationships and disconnect herself from Mr._______.(5.1-4) This passage is very important because it shows how beaten down Celie is. Mr._______ don’t treat her no better than her “Pa”. One day Mr.________ sister tell Celie somebody ought to help her and that she got to fight. Celie still trying to be that good girl she think was stolen by her “Pa.” So when told to fight she doesn’t because everyone she know that fought got

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