
Cell Phones Are Changing Social Interactions

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Over the years social interaction and how school activities has been decreasing due to cell phone usage. In articles “Cell Phones are Changing Social Interaction” and “Does cell phone use really affect our communication skills” it states the different ways how social interaction became different and how people of the older generation have more ability to social interaction than young adults at this moment. To agree with these statements in “Cell Phones are Changing Social Interaction” it covers on how Cell Phones may be changing how people are changing their expectations for social interaction, Also how people of this generation use phones more than people in the older generation,and on “Does cell phone use really affect our communication skills ?” it covers on how studies show that homework is interrupted and children become distracted when they receive notifications of a new chat message,texts, or emails. So let me let you know about how social interactions have decreased due to cell phones. To start off, Cell Phones may be changing how people are changing their expectations for social interaction. According to the second paragraph on “Cell Phones are Changing Social Interaction” it states “Having a cell phone completely changed my social life. This is what my sons told me after we finally got them cell phones when they were in high school. I also have a cell phone, but don’t feel having it changed my social life. For my sons, however, the

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