
Cell Phones Ethos Pathos Logos

Decent Essays

This is my advertising analysis final project. For this project, I analyzed cell phones. I chose cell phones because I have seen the technology greatly evolve throughout my lifetime and was curious to see if the way cell phones are advertised has also changed. The old television advertisement I chose was for a General Electric cell phone from 1989. To analyze this advertisement, I examined how the advertisement used ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is establishing credibility and the way this advertisement used ethos was by associating clearly from the start with a trusted brand, General Electric. This company has been around since 1892 and other products made by them were widely trusted and purchased. Pathos is connecting to the viewer through …show more content…

This advertisement had very limited to no use of ethos and I think the reason for this is that by the time of the release of the iPhone 6, the Apple brand was already established and did not have to worry much about credibility. This advertisement used pathos by showing the new and enhanced ways you could stay connected with family and friends with the new features in the messages app, and being able to stay connected to your family and friends is persuasive emotionally. The way this advertisement used logos was by showing the new ways you can be productive with this phone, such as working on a presentation or editing a photo while you are unable to be at a computer, showing how it would be logical to purchase this phone for work …show more content…

As with the previous ad, this advertisement mainly uses color as its element of visual rhetoric. The light grays and soft colors make the advertisement look sleek, while the contrasting bright purple on the screen of the cell phone makes it seem as though the phone’s display is very bright and clear. This advertisement fits into two different Fowles Categories. The first one it fits into is the need to feel safe. The reason it fits into that category is because of the part of the advertisement that states the cell phone has a two day battery life and is waterproof, so you would not have to worry about its reliability, therefore feeling safer. The other category it fits into is the need to achieve. This is because of the phrase directly underneath of the name of the cell phone: “better than bigger.” This means that the phone is superior and “wins,” so to

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