
Celta Focus on the Learner Essay

Decent Essays

CELTA – Assignment 3

Learner Profile
I interviewed ******** an Iranian 31 year old female student in the Level I class. ****’s native language is Persian (Farsi). **** came to England a year ago to join her Iranian husband who has been living and working in England for the past 5 years. At present they have no children. She has only been attending class at college for a few weeks where she is also taking a class in mathematics in order to learn the correct English terminology.
**** is an enthusiastic and highly motivated student who arrives at class early and contributes throughout the lesson. Her main motivation for learning English is that she wishes to go to University to study for a degree in mathematics. Currently in her …show more content…

As the original mistakes were made whilst speaking, I will then ask her again about her current life to see if she is now able to use the target language correctly in freer practice. If necessary we will repeat the above steps.

1. Dolati, I & Seliman, S. (2011, September), An Investigation On Iranian Students’ Weaknesses In Spoken English, Journal of Edupres, Pages 94-99. Retrieved 28th October 2012, from

2. Aliakbari, M. & Toni, A. (2008, March), The Realization of Address Terms in Modern Persian in Iran: A Sociolinguistic Study, Linguistik Online, Vol 35. Retrieved 28th October 2012, from

Attachment 1
They like chocolate live in Bromley work in London
It likes chocolate lives in Bromley works in London negative sentences
They don’t like chocolate live in Bromley work in London
It doesn’t like chocolate live in Bromley work in London questions Do I we you they like chocolate? live in Bromley? work in London? Does he she it

Attachment 2

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences using the following verbs: cause(s) drinks(s) live(s)

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