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Which brain region or brain was most affected?
• Cerebrum – what is it? Largest part of the brain. It contains a left and right hemisphere – the left hemisphere controls logic, sequences, and math whereas the right side is more intuitive, artistic and creative. The right hemisphere controls the left half of the body and the left hemisphere controls the right half of the body. These hemispheres are separated by the corpus callosum
• 4 lobes of the cerebrum:
• Interprets the info being transmitted to the eyes, located at the back of the brain. Responsible for processing vision
• Quick to process rapid info
• Participants were presented with visual stimuli in the form of a GIF. The occipital lobe receives visual data from the sensors …show more content…

The autonomic system is branched into two categories: Sympathetic and parasympathetic o If the sympathetic branch is stimulated, then it triggers "fight or flight" responses to deal with stress, such as dilation of pupils o If the parasympathetic branch is stimulated, which is known for slow responses such as digestion and rest, the pupils constrict, so become smaller.
• However, inhibiting the parasympathetic system can hence cause dilation, since stimulation of this branch makes pupils smaller
• When the subjects were viewing the scary GIF and they saw the lady pop out, this stimulated their sympathetic branch and inhibited their parasympathetic branch, causing pupils to dilate and some of them even jumping back. This was their body's way of dealing with a stressful situation.
• CNS – brain and spinal cord
• Takes in info from the entire body and interprets this info to coordinate activity in the body
• These regions are all located in the brain with the retina and optic nerve also connected to the CNS because they have direct contact with the brain

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