
Certified Nurse Assistant Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Training and development opportunities are important in many areas especially in the healthcare field. Being that I worked as a Certified Nurse Assistant for over 20 years, I can name just off the top of my head why training and development is important. Training and development opportunities is important because if an employee(s) is working with a patient that has multiple tubing inserts into their body, patient may be bed-written and must be turned every two hours or PRN, if a patient has a sign on their door that reads as follows “NPO” after 12 midnight or if a patient wanders off, what needs to be done to that patients upon contacting the nurse. I listed a few things above that requires proper training and development opportunities in the healthcare field working as a Certified Nurse Assistant that is mandatory and needs special attention to. …show more content…

How to change or disconnect tubing while possible bathing that patient? If Dietary accidently send this patient a tray from the kitchen with solid food on that tray and this patient is strictly a tube feeder, training and development opportunities would also help in this area by knowing who and who not to feed. Another example; if a sign is posted on a patient’s door that states “NPO” after a certain time and the caregiver of that patient gives that patient a snack strictly because the patient ask for it, this can also cause some major issues if that caregiver is not properly trained to know exactly what “NPO” really means. The list can go on and on upon why training and development opportunities are important to some employees and not others because some employees are eager to learn more about their job as well as grow with their employer while some are simply employed to say that they have a job and/or just for

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