
Cervical Cancer Stages

Decent Essays

There are many different stages of cervical cancer. The first stage is Carcinoma in Situ (stage 0). In this stage abnormal cells are found in the lining of the cervix, and if not treated, it may spread into surrounding healthy tissue. Stage 1 is found in the cervix only, and divided into two different stages, 1A and 1B. 1A is also divided into 2 stages as well, 1A1 and 1A2, these are based on the size of the tumor. In stage 1 there is a small amount of cancerous cells from the cervix, but they are only able to be seen under a microscope. In stage 1A1 the cancer is no more than 3 millimeters deep and 7 millimeters wide. In stage 1A2 the cancer is between 3-5 millimeters deep and not more than 7 millimeters wide. Stage 1B is also divided into 2 stages, 1B1 and 1B2, also depending of the size of the tumor. …show more content…

If the cancer can be seen without a microscope and is not larger than 4 centimeters it is considered stage 1B. In stage 1B2 the cancer can be seen without a microscope and is larger than 4 centimeters. Stage 2 cervical cancer has spread beyond the cervix, but not yet onto the pelvic wall or lower third of the vagina. Stage 2 is also divided into stages, 2A and 2B. Each stage is also divided into 2 additional stages, 2A1 and 2A2 which are based on the size of the tumor. In stage 2A1 the tumor can be seen without a microscope and is not more than 4 centimeters. In stage 2A2 the tumor is also seen without a microscope and is larger than 4 centimeters. Stage 2B cancer has spread beyond the cervical cancer tissue around the uterus. Stage 3 cancer has spread to the lower portion of the vagina and along the pelvic walls and may have caused kidney issues. Stage 3 is spread into different stages, 3A and 3B, based on how far it has

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