
Challenges And Trends In The Indian Fashion And Apparel Industry

Decent Essays

The increasing demand for fashion accessories composes the Indian fashion market together motivating and profitable. For the universal fashion industry, India is a very large exporter of fabrics and accessories. India's strengths not simply depend on its convention, but moreover in its raw materials. World over, India is the third biggest manufacturer of cotton, the second biggest manufacturer of silk and the fifth biggest manufacturer of artificial fibres, apart from having cheaper skilful work force. The fashion business is a multi-billion dollar worldwide undertaking gave to the matter of making and offering garments. This review paper is about how it has developed and what are challenges that have to be focused by the stakeholders in the fashion and apparel industry. This paper focuses on the trends in Indian Fashion and Apparel sector, Preparedness of Indian business people in these fast emerging changes in fashion and apparel sector, strengths and weaknesses of the fashion and apparel industry in India.
Keywords: Fashion, Apparel, Trends, Challenges
Personal stylist Jill Marinelli states, “Every dress decision are inside persuaded and …show more content…

A few eyewitnesses recognize the form business which makes high design and the attire business which makes common garments, yet later the limits between them had obscured. Design is best characterized just as the style or styles of dress and embellishments worn at any given time by gatherings of individuals." (Steel and Major, 2013). It is clear today that the apparel business assumes an expansive part in the public eye. Individuals utilize form as a mean's of articulation and a wellspring of self-character. This review paper is about how it has developed and what are challenges that have to be focused by the stakeholders in the fashion and apparel

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