
Change Reading Behavior

Decent Essays

Peter Schmitz
Ms. Sorcan
14 September 2014
Changes In Reading Behavior With all the new advancements with technology our reading behavior has no choice but to change with us. Author Nicholas Carr states, “the Net is becoming a universal medium, the conduit for most of the information that flows through my eyes and ears and into my mind”. Author Ziming Liu says that we are spending “an increasing amount of time reading electronic documents” where a screen-based reading behavior is emerging. Our new generation is the digital media generation. You either need to keep up with it or be swept aside. Change will happen no matter what. A significant change in which both authors noted was that we no longer can immerse ourselves into lengthy …show more content…

“The Web has been a godsend to me as a writer” (Carr). Liu says, “electronic media tend to be more useful for searching, while paper-based media are preferred for actual consumption of information”. The fact that you can find basically anything on the Internet is amazing. It has made so much stuff easier for us. Communication, learning, and entertainment are just some of the benefits. We use the Internet everyday, for almost everything we do. We have become dependent on it. The question both of them have is whether or not all this information at our fingertips is a good thing. Communication, learning, and entertainment are just some of the benefits of the Internet. You could say we have become dependent on the Internet. The question both of them have is whether or not all this information at our fingertips is a good …show more content…

Liu isn’t worried about books being replaced by the computer, “It seems unlikely that the computer will in the future replace the printed book as medium in the way that it replaced the typewriter as a writing tool” (Liu 702). In a study by the National University of Mexico, 80 percent of students prefer to read a digital piece of text in print in order to understand the text with clarity. Carr’s major worry is if digital media will take away our ability to think deeply. “But it’s a different kind of reading, and behind it lies a different kind of thinking, perhaps even a new sense of the self” (Carr). Carr believes the Internet will basically take over our world. “The Internet, an immeasurably powerful computing system, is subsuming most of our other intellectual technologies. It’s becoming our map and our clock, our printing press and our typewriter, our calculator and our telephone, and our radio and TV”

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