
Chapter 5 Of Mildred D. Taylor's Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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In chapter five of the novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor, Cassie feels like a mere speck in the abyss of Mr. Barnett’s mind as he floats from person to person never acknowledging the patient, black children who wait silently for his assistance. Eventually Cassie gently reminds Mr. Barnett, the shopkeeper, that she has been waiting for about an hour, and his words come as harsh as his cold eyes look when he spits, “‘you just get your little black self back over there and wait some more’”(Taylor 111). Cassie cannot fathom why Mr. Barnett ignores their order repeatedly, as if the children do not matter or even exist at all, when rightfully Mr. Barnett should fill Stacey, T.J., and Cassie’s order first. The racist, unjust,

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