
Chapter 8 Communication Nonverbally

Decent Essays

Chapter 8 is about communicating nonverbally, one concept that I believe i'm good at applying to my life is body movements. I define body movements as using looks, facial expressions, hand gestures and self presentation to express yourself. For example, when someone is talking my body language tells you if i'm interested in what hey are saying or not. If i am interested i sit up straight, i make eye contact and i'm completely focused on them and every word they say. But if i'm not interested, I tend to slouch in my chair, look around the room, think about other things. And if i'm really bored i will continuously play with my hair. If someone is talking and i don't agree with them or i don't like what they are saying I will cross my arms, stare at that person with a dirty look, and I might even roll my eyes. I think that body language is important to communications. Others can judge you by your body language, i think you tell a lot by a person by how they present themself. When you go for a job interview you're not gonna slouch or roll your eyes, you're gonna be standing straight up with a …show more content…

And because I hate being touched, I don't like to touch other people. I'm a big fan of personal space and keeping a distance. To me commuting through touch, would be a handshake to say “ nice to meet you”, a pat on the back to say “good job” a hug to comfort and a “I love you” kiss. In my hispanic culture the people are very affectionate. Especially in my family, anything can be solved with a hug and some good food. The problem with not communicating with touche would be that people might think you don't care, that you're not sincere, or that you're just cold-hearted. I think i could better utilize this concept by trying to show other more affection through touch. Instead just waving bye and running out the door to avoid a hug, i'll give a hug or

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