
Characteristics Of Princess Diana

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Princess Diana was known as the people’s princess; but Diana was much more than that. Diana was an activist, humanitarian, public servant and a leader. Princess Diana’s entire adult life was focused on helping those less fortunate, those suffering from debilitating diseases and offering aide to people from third world countries. Diana didn’t just contribute time but focused on attracting the attention of the media which brought spectators and in return brought followers. These followers were willing to contribute time and resources to hundreds of causes Princess Diana found important. “Diana had great charisma that she spread to all the people she met. In the developing countries she was able to empower others by improving their self esteem” (Gram 2013). Princess Diana led a life of giving and through many years of personal grief and loss followed by a tragic death the world has suffered a great loss as well. Fortunately, Diana was such an impactful leader that to this day there are memorial funds set up in Princess Diana’s name to assist with many of the charities that the Princess adored. Because of the hours and back breaking work the Princess put in to these charities, they still reap benefits from the followers of the people’s leader, Princess Diana.

Princess Diana; a Leader A leader can possess many unique qualities. Merriam Webster defines a leader as someone who guides others. A quick google search provides a definition of a person who commands a group. Princess Diana was known to compassionately guide people to service. Without instructing, verbalizing or motioning Diana was able to influence the way the world felt about many different causes. Princess Diana was able to change the world’s views and perceptions about contagious diseases, third world countries and many different world crises. Diana was passionate about all of the charities and work performed and was never fearful to be the first to volunteer. Diana did not discriminate in any charity, “she worked for the homeless, youth, drug addicts, and the elderly” ( 2013).
Lady Diana Spencer into a Princess
Diana Spencer was born outside of Sandringham England on July 1, 1961 to parents Edward Spencer and Frances

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