
Charles Manson Case Study

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1. The members of Charles Manson’s cult family were Leslie Van Houten, Bobby Beausoleil, Paul Watkins, Catherine “Gypse” Share, Mary Brunner, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabain, Steve Grogan, Patricia Krenwinkel, Charles Watson, and Squeaky Fromme. Almost all of the members came from middle working-class families and were generally happy people. Some of the members were also very religious like Charles Watson, for example, was a leader of a church youth group and enjoyed attending Sunday night services. The absence of a father, however, led some of his followers into a world of experimenting with drugs and running away. Their lost, rebellious souls found comfort in Charles Manson who became a father figure to them.
2. The 1960s was the decade of the Civil Rights Movement and of counterculture. The Civil Rights Movement saw the rise of social groups, like the Black Panther Party, who had had enough of being racially discriminated and would conduct boycotts, sit-ins, and marches in order to support their cause. Counterculture consisted of young people, known as hippies, who revolted against government agendas like the Vietnam War, and who wanted to live in a society that was based upon freedom and love. Manson believed that there would be a race war between blacks and whites and that black people would come on top. It became evident to Manson that Helter Skelter, the last final destructive war among men on the face of the earth, was not coming and it was up to him to create it. So, Manson took advantage of the counterculture happening in the 60’s to led young people into believing the world would go to war and the only way to survive is to stick together.
3. In an era that sought love and peace, Manson was able to successfully manipulate the emotions of young people. Manson began his recruitment in the hippie ridden area of Haight Ashbury, San Francisco. There, Manson was able to croon his way into the minds of the young and vulnerable. Upon recruitment, Manson would tell his followers, while they were under the influence of LSD, to essentially erase everything they know about society and fill their minds with his philosophies because he was the embodiment of Jesus Christ. His followers did as he said because most of

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