
Charlie Chaplin's Contributions to the Film Industry

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Charlie Chaplin Every day millions of Americans go to theaters with their families to enjoy movies. Watching films has become one of the most popular activities to do. Although plenty of people know of Charlie Chaplin, most do not know any real information about him. Charlie Chaplin has been a major contributor to America’s advancement in the film industry from his innovative beginnings, and perseverance to improve and succeed, to his overall achievements in history. Charlie Chaplin was born in South London on April 16, 1889. He was the first child of Hannah and Charles Chaplin. Charles was vaudeville actor. Hannah was a vaudeville singer. Charlie’s father was a drunk and he later left his family when he was three years old when he found out his wife had an affair with another actor, Leo Dryden. They soon had a child named George, who left to live with his father. Since Hannah was now a single mother, she was struggling to find a way to provide for her children. She had another son that was older than Charlie, from a previous relationship (Schwartz). Hannah’s singing alone was not enough to earn her the money to care for two boys. She took up sweatshop work on a sewing machine she rented to earn extra income. Due to the small amount of income they had, Charlie’s family moved in and out of orphanages and boys’ homes on a regular basis. Hannah’s career as a singer ended abruptly in 1894. She lost her voice during a performance. While the crowd was getting rowdy and

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