
Chemical Reaction Lab Report

Decent Essays

Often, as two chemical compounds are mixed, a chemical reaction will occur. This can and does take place in nature, but, more importantly, it can take place in a laboratory. “When an acid and a base are placed together, they react to neutralize the acid and base properties, producing a salt” (Hyper physics, n.d.). For example, when making table salt, sodium hydroxide (the base) is added to hydrochloric acid (the acid). When they are added together they try to balance out one another and create the salty goodness that everyone loves to smother their food with. This happens because the positively charged cations and the negatively charged anions balanced each other as they combine. All reactions that are known as “acid-base reactions” create some kind of “salt”. …show more content…

Hydrochloric acid is formed by hydrogen chloride in water. Hydrochloric acid is highly corrosive and is commonly used as a laboratory reagent (NCBI, n.d.). Hydrochloric acid should be treated with care as it can be harmful to the skin and eyes if not used properly. On the other hand, the base that will be used is sodium hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide is, “a highly caustic substance that is used to neutralize acids and make sodium salts” (NCBI, n.d.). Because adding these two chemicals will be an “acid-base reaction” a salt will be formed. Stoichiometry is used to measure which how much salt should have been produced. Also, it measures which reactant will be used up more

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