
Cherokee Tribe Research Paper

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Let’s start by looking at where they lived and settled. The Cherokee settled in the east around South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee. The Apache settled in the west around New Mexico, Arizona as well as Texas, Colorado and Kansas. The Cherokee lived in log cabins where the Apache lived in tents or tee pees. The Cherokee were nestled in the mountains, where the Apache stayed mobile.
The Cherokee Indians were one of the largest tribes that settled in America. They had settled in the Southeast of the country and were descendants of Iroquoian. Originally they came from the Great Lakes, but eventually settled in the east coast. The Apaches came from up north in the Alaskan region, Canada and portions of the Southwest. They were …show more content…

When the shamans failed to end the smallpox epidemic that ravaged Cherokee society in 1738 their power fell and they were no longer considered as leaders (, 1994).”
The Apache mostly survived by eating Buffalo meat, and using their hides as protective clothing. Hunting wild animals, gathering plants they could eat and growing their own domestic plants. They would also interact with their neighbors for live stock and other products mainly through raiding and trading.
“Apaches believe that supernatural powers associated with natural phenomena exist. These powers are neutral with respect to good and evil, but they can be used for various individual purposes. Control of these powers can be either sought after and developed or thrust upon one. Belief is supported by a mythology that explains the creation of the world and includes several deities (, …show more content…

Eventually the Mexicans influenced their style and they began wearing vests and colorful clothing made of cotton. The women clothes made of buckskin that was specifically dresses. The women also wore war skirts like the men only they had beads and fringe on them. Moccasins with beads were the standard footwear for both the men and women.
“The Cherokee also made clay pots, carved pipes, wooden canoes, clothing, river cane baskets, bead jewelry, soapstone carvings, elaborate dance masks and rattles, and double wall baskets. The baskets were another Cherokee specialty. They would often dye them early on with black walnut and blood root. They were later able to add other colors by using butternut, wild berries, and yellow root (, 2015).”
“The Apache were talented in arts and crafts. They were known for their beadwork in which they used shells, glass, and turquoise. They would often sew good luck beads onto war shirts. Basket weaving one of the Apache's oldest known forms of art . The burden basket and bread basket were the most common baskets. They also made jewelry, necklaces, earrings, and barrettes. Both sexes liked to wear shell jewelry (,

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