
Child Abuse And Neglect In Australia

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So what is child abuse and neglect? Well according to Parliament of Australia, An act can be defined as child abuse and neglect when a “child has been, is being, or is likely to be subjected to physical, emotional or sexual actions or inactions which have resulted in, or are likely to result in significant harm or injury to the child” (Phillips, 2009). The four main forms of child abuse are physical, emotional, sexual abuse, neglect.
Physical abuse to a child is an extremely traumatic experience that no child should have to experience. The injury or ongoing injuries to a child by a parent, caregiver or any person that is non – accidental is considered physical child abuse. The NSW Government states that “It includes but is not limited to injuries which are caused by excessive discipline, severe beatings or shakings, cigarette burns, attempted strangulation and female genital mutilation.” …show more content…

This emotional child abuse usually occurs frequently in the forms of excessive criticism, threatening behaviour, withholding affection, intimidation or exposure to domestic violence. (NSW Department of Family and Community Services, (n.d))
Providing clothing, housing, food and health care to a child is the responsibility of the caregiver/ parent. It is considered neglect when these basic necessities are not provided. However, neglect is characterized by more aspects than this; parent can also show emotional neglect, educational neglect and environmental neglect by failing to do acts such as nurturing and supporting a child, providing educational opportunities and not ensuring a safe environment. (Dubowitz, Pitts, & Black,

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