
Child Abuse In Australia

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Child abuse is when a child is harmed physically, psychologically or emotionally. It can be on one occasion or many separate occasions.

Childrearing practices vary between cultures; it can lead to many issues that question whether or not it is considered to be abusive. It is uncommon for some African parents to discipline their children via physical disciplinary methods, when it would be considered abuse in western culture certain African cultures finds it to be acceptable and proper child rearing methods. (Culturally diverse child rearing practices)

Some African, Latino and whites believe that it is acceptable to use the belt or strap as consequence for serious behavioral issues, whilst Asians and Indians find that it is too severe …show more content…

Loneliness & isolation can lead to many psychological issues and have negative affects on a person health and wellbeing.

The stress of unemployment can cause a person to relieve the frustrations on to the child, which could then lead to abusive behavior. Having martial issues can result in a negative relationship between both parents and children. (What causes child abuse, department of human services, 2013)

There are four main types of child abuse physical, psychological/emotional, sexual and neglect. Physical abuse is prominent in Australia and it can affect a child in a negative way, some characteristics that define physical abuse are- hitting, slapping, striking and or using objects. It has been shown that 2.4% of children have been hit and an additional 8.5% have been abuse with the assistance of an object.
The constant exposure to violent behavior at home makes a child more vigilant and mistrustful of others and may display overly aggressive behavior. Even though all Australian states/ territories allow parents and or guardians the right to reasonable physical punishments, the punishments must not overly excessive so that it causes harm to the …show more content…

refusing to show the child any kind of affection.

Ignoring- People who’ve had very little of their needs met and are unable to respond to their child’s. They may act as if the child isn’t there and pay no mind to their presence.

Corruption- Parents/Guardians who corrupt their children permit their children to consume drugs and alcohol and to look or watch inappropriate sexual content.
(Types of emotional abuse, teach through love)

Sexual abuse is disturbingly common and is the result of an adult forcing a minor into or to perform inappropriate sexual acts.
Approx. one third of women in Australia have reported sexual abuse in childhood whereas 10% of men have reported sexual abuse in childhood. (Types of child abuse, adults surviving child abuse, 2015)

In 85% of child sexual abuse cases the child knows the offender and is related to the child e.g. stepfather, uncle and grandfather.

Neglect is when parents/guardians fail to give a child the love and attention that they require; this is yet another form of child abuse. However many argue that it is a fundamental for the child’s physical and emotional development. This behavior can be branched into sub-categories such

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