
Child Observation

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A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities of virtue and vice, but as yet unstained.
It is always difficult to understand children because they are different and complicated. With all the amusing and ambiguous characteristics of young children, we studied decades ago that in order to better understand children we should start by observing them as they play. As caregivers, it is essential for us to know our children intensely, to flow with their movements, and to broaden their approach to how the world works.
I have observed one of my friend's son in my neighborhood. His name is Nishanth and he is 5 years old. I was watching both my son and Nishanth playing together for an hour. …show more content…

My friend (mother) was only aware of this, and Nishanth did not know that he was being observed. I decided to observe him in order to gain a better understanding of the child's desire, feelings, and the behavior. I would like to provide information about the kinds of activities, children like to do when they play. It is also going to help me figure out the different areas of child development.
The Child: Nishanth likes to play video games, especially PS4 when he is playing with his father and his friends but mostly he loves to play outside. When asked where would he go if he can go anywhere, he immediately responded that he likes to go to the park. He likes to play around the park with his friends. Nishanth wishes to be an astronaut when he grows up. Nishanth, my son, and other kids ran about playing games like tag and climbing the small walls in my courtyard. I believe all of these activities promoted the use of gross motor skills along with emotional/social interactions. Tag is one of the play activities which is social, that requires anywhere from small to large groups of kids to play with one another. Running is a great form of exercise that keeps kids healthy. It is also mentioned in the book (Page 56) that “outdoor environments set up for autonomous children provide freedom for exploration with few

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