
Child Sexual Abuse Is Shocking Action

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As I mentioned on above child sexual abuse is heartbreaking action, disappointing, and terrible situation, painful and unacceptable action in any measure. In addition, I think that whoever commits child sexual abuse he is also committing stealing their future, killing their life, destroying their future. In addition, a study indicates that child sexual abuse significant “short and long-term effects including post-traumatic stress disorders and symptoms, depression, suicide, sexualized behaviors, and neurobiological effects” (Lewis, McElroy, Harlaar, Runyan, 2016). In addition, adults associated with a history of child sexual abuse include poor physical health, higher prevalence of DSM disorders, and psychosomatic physical complaints and conditions (Lewis, McElroy, Harlaar, Runyan, 2016). Therefore, in this journal I will discuss what I have learned from a class presentation about child sexual abuse, how these experiences help me to engage children’s who have a victim of child abuse and the skill I want to develop to assist children who experience sexual abuse.
Even though I am deeply sad about what happen to those children, I believe their experience will be great tools to help to those who are victims of sexual abuse. As you mentioned during presentation adult’s (offenders) use strategies to convince abused child not to tell anyone about the situations. I think knowing what the offender use as strategies to hide and to convince abused child will help me to explore or dig

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