
Childhood Vaccination Paper

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One of the databases that explored is Cochrane and the articles retrieved Title: "Interventions aimed at communities to inform or educate about early childhood vaccination." This article relates to our PICO question keywords education of childhood vaccine. Here is the link to this article: Cochrane Database Systematic Rev. 2014 Nov 19;(11): CD010232 doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010232.pub2
Saeterdal I, Lewin S, Austvoll-Dahlgren A, Glenton C, Munabi-Babigumira S.(2014). Interventions aimed at communities to inform and educate about early childhood vaccination Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Nov 19;(11):CD010232. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010232.pub2.

PICOT Question: To educate communities, parents and, caregivers regarding childhood vaccine to improve vaccination uptake.
Purpose of …show more content…

Hypotheses: The study did not assess knowledge among participants of vaccine service delivery, participants confidence in the vaccination decision, intervention or any unintended harms as a consequence of the intervention.
Aims of the Study: To assess effects of communication regarding the vaccine.
Study Design: This was a randomize and quasi-randomized where the author discusses at public meetings, through radio or leaflets.
Sample (sampling techniques, sample size, sample characteristics) Two authors independently reviewed the references to identify studies for inclusion and extracted data to assessed risk of bias in all included studies.
Variables: Education to the community to keep them informed about childhood vaccine so they can make informed decisions.
Statistical Analysis: The study showed little evidence that intervention aimed at communities to informed and educate about childhood vaccination may improve knowledge of vaccine or vaccine-preventable diseases among interventions participants adjusted means difference were 0.121, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.055 to

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