
Children At The Edge : Obesity

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Children at The Edge
As stated by the world of kids, “Currently, an estimated 1 billion people – that’s a little over 1 in 7 – are overweight, and at least 300 million of them are classified as clinically obese.” Even though the commercials for fast food are increasing, fast food advertisements do not contribute to obesity in children because children live a sedentary lifestyle and parents fail to provide a balanced diet. In a recent study Fast Food commercials seem to have risen in the past decade (childhood).
As claimed by Megan Orciari(Food), “Less than 1% of the kids meal combinations at Restaurants meet nutrition standards recommended by experts, and just 3% meet the industry’s own Children’s Food and Beverages Advertising …show more content…

In result since our bodies want and need more energy , we find ourselves consuming more sugary products such as those found in a fast food restaurant. Sugar has been also linked to making us feel good, in a the sense some may consider a drug. This causes the children to crave or want things come when they don’t even know what an advertisement is. Another important factor is that parents don’t provide a balanced diet for their children(Rudd Sedentary Lifestyle).
Since parents have failed time and time again to keep children healthy, we have seen a great increase in our obesity rates over the past few decades, that only seems to continue to grow and grow without and end. As claimed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention,”More than one third of children and adolescents were obese in 2010.” In other words (CDC) is trying to say that are at least ⅓ of the children in 2010 were obese. In some cases things that parents do that seem to be good for children isn’t always good for them. Parents shouldn’t make their children have to empty off their plates because it could cause for their stomachs to stretch, thus creating more space later for them to want to eat more food. CDC states, That obesity rates have more than doubled in

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