
Children In Colombia

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We all know that children are the future of this world. Because of this, we have to put serious attention into how we educate them and how we treat them. Many countries have programs that help children with education and free meals at school so that children can focus exclusively on their studies. However, such was not the case for Colombian children during the past 5 years. Many Colombian children died during this time due to problems with malnutrition.
According to In 2011 about 45% of the population of Colombia live in poverty. The most affect victims of this situation are children. Many children end up living on the street homeless without the protection of a adult or in some cases children are force to quit school to help their parent earn money to support the family. In the search for money children are very vulnerable to drung cartel or became a child soldier(a human being …show more content…

The foundation have seven schools in the vulnerable communities about 4000 children and teens received free quality education and meals each day. They also promote personal growth. The foundation not only work with children they work with their parent as well"More than 10.000 children and 67.000 young and adults have been benefited."
Nowadays the Colombia situation has improved. There are more children going to school. The seven new school had help lot with this positive change. shakira believes than nutrition goes together with education that is why she serve free meals in each of her schools. Just by going to school children have two meals a day they don't have to quit school to find a job so they can have money to eat. School offer help with some health problems for everyone so see a doctor often takes about 11 days but with the organization is quickly than with a regular public

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