
Chipotle Case Study Essay

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Part 3
Chipotle’s first store opened in 1993, and since then has grown to more than 900 stores in the United States. However, Chipotle’s experimentation in international markets has evolved slowly. In 2008, Chipotle opened its first restaurant outside of the US, in Toronto, Canada. In 2010, a second restaurant opened in Toronto and in 2012, a third in Vancouver. Chipotle has also expanded to Europe, with its first European restaurant opening in 2010 in London of the United Kingdom. As of today, seven restaurants have opened in the London area. Chipotle blames the slow growth in the United Kingdom on British unfamiliarity with Mexican food. However, several locally owned burrito chains have successfully opened locations throughout the United …show more content…

As recently as last year Chipotle was the victim of a pork shortage. In January of 2015, it cut ties with a supplier that violated its standards, which ban the use of hormones or antibiotics that require pigs to have access to the outdoors and to deeply bedded barns. After dropping the supplier, Chipotle had a tough time finding a replacement. As a result, hundreds of restaurants were unable to sell carnitas, a popular menu item. If Chipotle expands even more internationally, it could continue to run into this problem, and it could expand to other ingredients. In order to meet the demand, Chipotle looks for many of its ingredients outside of the United States. For example, in order to back their commitment to source 100 percent grass-fed cows, Chipotle has started to source beef from Australia. The organization's reasoning behind this decision is that not enough farmers based in the US follow a truly organic protocol. Too many farmers raising cattle in the US are using hormones and antibiotics. In contrast, Australian-raised cows spend their entire lives in pastures, eating grass or forages, such as

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