
Chlorine Research Paper

Decent Essays


Chlorine has 17 protons, 18 neutrons, and 17 electrons. It's atomic number is 17 and the atomic mass is 35.45. Its symbol on the periodic table is Cl.

Question #1

It is surprising how many ways humans use chlorine. One way humans use chlorine is to kill bacteria and germs in pools. It cleanses the pool so when people go swimming, they will not get sick. Chlorine is also used to make paper. Scientists use it to drain all the color to make it white. Chlorine is also used in the water purification process. It kills bacteria in the water system before it enters a house. Chlorine is also found in many common things like, bleach. Bleach makes clothes white to take out at the stains. The salt many people have on their table is composed up of one sodium and one chlorine atom. There are not natural sources of chlorine in its pure element (gas) form. But it is mostly found in the earth's crust along with sodium, potassium, and manganese chlorides. The impacts chlorine has on the environment depends on how long it is the environment and how much of the substance is present. Sometimes chlorine combines to form harmful chemicals that gets into water …show more content…

Some physical properties are its greenish-yellow color (only is gas form). Its disagreeable, suffocating smell, solubility in water, and a boiling point of -34.05°C. It also has a melting point of -101°C, a density of 3.214 g/l, and a gravity of -33.6°C. These properties are physical and not chemical because when observed, they do not change the chemical makeup of that matter (in this case chlorine). The properties are also easily observed with the 5 senses. But how does chlorine get its physical properties? Chlorine gets its properties from the number of protons in the nucleus. Different elements have different numbers of protons, which means they have different chemical/physical

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