
Cholera Disease Paper

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Cholera is a disastrous and horrifying disease that has killed over 10,000 people. This Cholera disease paper includes the dangerous- painful symptoms, successful vaccines, a personal survival story, and the great future for this disease. Cholera is, ‘’an infectious and often fatal bacterial bacterial disease of the small intestine, typically contracted from infected water supplies and causing severe vomiting and diarrhea,’’( Some reports in India as early as 1000 A.D have been reported that was thought they had a cholera-like disease but was not. Dr. Snow wasn’t the one to discover Cholera but he did show how the disease could be spread and stop it from becoming a local outbreak so he is …show more content…

Scientists say that Cholera also comes from, “ vibrio cholerae that thrives in aquatic environments,” ( Poppick, By Laura. "Deadly Cholera Outbreaks Could Increase with Climate Change." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 16 Dec. 2014. Web. 27 Apr. 2016). Hydrological and climatology both correlate with Cholera outbreaks that help predict future outbreaks months in advance. Researchers in the University of Maryland is trying to make a better effort understanding the predictions of Cholera outbreaks. Cholera can only be discovered more just like any other disease.
In conclusion, Cholera is deadly and feeling the pain to go to the bathroom and die of dehydration is just terrifying. “If the fluid loss in not replaced and exceeds 5 to 10 liters, it can be fatal”( As you can see this paper Cholera the dangers, symptoms, vaccines, a personal survival story and the great future of this disease. If you or any family members feel any of these symptoms DO NOT WAIT report it to the hospital immediately. Be happy and healthy and always BEWARE what you are

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