
Christianity, Islam, And Christianity : The Purpose Of Religion

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The purpose of religion, what is it? There is no exact answer for this question, but I think that it is to provide people an outline for life. In some religions, they are told how they should go about their day and how they should spend their time. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are examples of religions that have guidelines for the people with that belief system. Christians have their version of the answer to the question of after-death. No one truly knows what comes after a fatal incident. The Christians believe in heaven and hell. Heaven is where God lives, and if you live your life right you will live up their with him. If you aren’t able to get into heaven, you are sent to hell. Hell is a place of eternal torture and pain. Christians live their life trying to prove to God that they belong in heaven rather than hell. It works as incentive to live your life full of love and sharing. For Christians, Sunday is holy day. One would go to Church in the morning and worship God and jesus christ. This day is reserved for God. Christians also have holidays throughout the year that celebrate God and honor jesus christ. For instance, Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Christians may not have a certain list of things that they must accomplish in a lifetime, or things to do day by day, but they do have a moral system that they live by. Islam has more guidelines than Christianity. They believe in a continued existence of the soul and a transformed existence after

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