
Christmas: A Fictional Narrative

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“Why is he not here yet? He should be here by now.” Sparsit said, worried. “You actually worry about him? The way he treats you? Treats us?” Cook said. “Well… I don't know. I mean, maybe if I act worried, he may feel it in the air, and give me Christmas off. All I want for Christmas, is to be off, solely to help people in need,” Sparsit said, yawning. “I’m going to check if he has arrived.” Walking to the door, Sparsit hears a noise, so he peaks out. Without hesitation, Sparsit opened the door to let Mr. Scrooge in. Startled, Scrooge said “Sparsit?” “Yes, sir?” Sparsit replied as if it was uncontrollable. “Hurry, hurry. The door… close it.” Scrooge said, causing Sparsit to think. “Did you knock, sir?” As he said that, Sparsit knew he had messed

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