
Christopher Morley Laziness

Decent Essays

Christopher Morley presents the topic of laziness as fascinating and rewarding through the use of rhetorical effect and appeal to human nature. Laziness, which is typically portrayed in a negative light, is introduced as something that could help “enlighten” living. He advertises the attractiveness of laziness by appealing to human desire, ethos, and pathos while using a sophisticated diction and amicable tone.
Morley appeals to some of society’s greatest desires including relief from responsibility, success, happiness, and respect. A direct example of his correlation between laziness and respect occurs in paragraph 9 “People respect laziness. If you once get a reputation for complete, immovable, and reckless indolence the world will leave you to your own thoughts, which are generally rather interesting.” This statement gives slothfulness a conclusive and admirable reputation. In this essay, rather than condoning laziness, Morley celebrates this human trait by connecting it to happiness. He …show more content…

In paragraph 10 he states “Doctor Johnson, who was one of the world’s great philosophers, was lazy.” Simply by mentioning the title “Doctor”, Morley establishes ethos and obtains credibility. Morley further establishes ethos through quoting the words of O. Henry, a famous writer, when he says “One should be careful to distinguish laziness from dignified repose.” “On Laziness” appeals to pathos by claiming that you can attain some of society’s most desired objectives- enlightenment, happiness, and success, through laziness. Additionally, the essay begins with an appeal to pathos with the use of humor for the audience when Morley says “Today we rather intended to write an essay on laziness, but were too indolent to do so.” Morley closes with another humor filled paragraph when he says “Writing on this congenial topic has roused us up to quite a pitch of enthusiasm and

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