
Ciabatta Bread History

Decent Essays

“In the history of art there are periods when bread seems so beautiful that it nearly gets into museums.” (Janet Flanner, Paris Was Yesterday, 1925-1939). Bread comes in a myriad of forms, flavors, shapes, and sizes. To millions of people every day it is a source of nutrients, a way of filling their stomachs with something their body needs. To others, it is a form of art, a chef or baker’s life and soul poured into their creation. Whichever way you see it, bread is a part of our lives, as well as our history.
Ciabatta bread has its roots in Italy, with numerous regions taking claim to be the originators. The name Ciabatta, is Italian for “slipper”, due to the fact that it resembles shoe it is named after. Ciabatta bread is used in all forms

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