
Civil War Misconceptions Essay

Decent Essays

are some common misconceptions about the American Civil War that need to be dealt with. Firstly, the American Civil war ended slavery, this is not true. As a matter of fact, the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in states that rebelled against the Union. To mention nothing of, the slaves in the north were finally abolished some 8 months Gibson – 2 after the ending of the Civil War. Secondly, the Civil War was fought over slavery; this to a degree is wrong. That is to say, the war was fought federal government in imposing rights on the state government. Further, the federal government trying to impose its laws on the state such as: slavery, taxes, tariffs and more. Above all, this led to South Carolina to back out from the union and become independent, other states soon joined. (Batty 13-15) Lastly, the flag we know as the confederate flag isn’t the flag we know today. Indeed, the flag that represented the Confederacy went through several changes in it short life and the one we come to know as the confederate flag today was only popularized by General E. Lee and his short lived success, the flag is actually known as the battle flag of Northern Virginia. In all, this means that the flag we know as today, is not …show more content…

They have a few arguments which I wish to bring to attention. First, people will say that General E. Lee’s battle flag represents racism and slavery. However, Lee was against slavery, in a letter written to his wife he says, “… that slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country” (Freeman, 372). Also, he supported his wife to liberate slaves and helped fund their move to Liberia (Fellman, 67). Secondly, people have pointed out that the flag is associated with white supremacist groups such as the KKK. This is true however, the swastika is synonymous with the Germany’s Nazi party, but it was around long before the party was established.

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